Spin Orbit Coupled Fermi Gas
- Three-component Ultracold Fermi Gases with Spin-Orbit Coupling.
- Pairing superfluidity in spin-orbit coupled ultracold Fermi gases.
- Spin-injection spectroscopy of a spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas.
- The Pairing of Spin-orbit Coupled Fermi Gas in Optical Lattice.
- [1305.2443] Spin dynamics in a spin-orbit coupled Fermi.
- Spin-Orbit Coupled Degenerate Fermi Gases - ResearchGate.
- Spin-Injection Spectroscopy of a Spin-Orbit Coupled.
- Collective dipole oscillations of a spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas.
- Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling in Cold Atoms.
- Spin dynamics in a spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas | Joint Quantum Institute.
- (PDF) Radio-frequency spectroscopy of weakly bound molecules in.
- [1411.3043] Fermi Gases with Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling.
- Spin-orbit Coupled Fermi Gases and Heavy Solitons in... - NASA/ADS.
- Spin-orbit-coupled two-electron Fermi gases of ytterbium atoms.
Three-component Ultracold Fermi Gases with Spin-Orbit Coupling.
The collective dipole mode is induced and measured in a spin-orbit (SO) coupled degenerate Fermi gas of 173 Yb atoms. Using a differential optical Stark shift, we split the degeneracy of three. Here we create and detect spin-orbit coupling in an atomic Fermi gas, a highly controllable form of quantum degenerate matter. We directly reveal the spin-orbit gap via spin-injection spectroscopy, which characterizes the energy-momentum dispersion and spin composition of the quantum states. For energies within the spin-orbit gap, the system..
Pairing superfluidity in spin-orbit coupled ultracold Fermi gases.
1D spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas were recently predicted [30,31]. However, the crucial issue raised in practical manipulations, i.e., the fate of these solitons at a finite velocity of motion, was not addressed. For concreteness, in the main text we focus on 1D spin-orbit-coupled Fermi superfluids. The results of 2D Fermi.
Spin-injection spectroscopy of a spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas.
Authors: Zhang, Shang-Shun; Liu, Wu-Ming; Pu, Han Publication Date: 2016-04-01 NSF-PAR ID: 10015817 Journal Name: Physical Review A Volume: 93 Issue: 4 ISSN: 2469-9926 Publisher: American Physical Society.
The Pairing of Spin-orbit Coupled Fermi Gas in Optical Lattice.
The coupling of the spin of electrons to their motional state lies at the heart of recently discovered topological phases of matter. Here we create and detect spin-orbit coupling in an atomic Fermi gas, a highly controllable form of quantum degenerate matter. We directly reveal the spin-orbit gap vi. We theoretically investigate the Higgs oscillation in a one-dimensional Raman-type spin-orbit-coupled Fermi superfluid with the time-dependent Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. By linearly ramping or abruptly changing the effective Zeeman field in both the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer state and the topological superfluid state, we find the amplitude of the order parameter exhibits an oscillating. We firstly solve a two-body problem for spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas confined in quasi-low dimensional trapping potential. By analyzing the two-body bound state, we find that the population of the excited states in the tightly-confined direction would be significant when the two-body binding energy becomes comparable to or exceeds the energy.
[1305.2443] Spin dynamics in a spin-orbit coupled Fermi.
DOE PAGES ® Journal Article: Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling, Strong Interactions, and the BCS-BEC Crossover in the Ground State of the Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas. Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling, Strong Interactions, and the BCS-BEC Crossover in the Ground State of the Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas. Full Record; References (49).
Spin-Orbit Coupled Degenerate Fermi Gases - ResearchGate.
Coupled spin flips [3–5]. The adiabatic evolution of these dressed states as the atom movesin the Raman field creates a synthetic gauge field. This field takes the form of spin-orbit coupling when these states form a degenerate manifold [6]. Spin-orbit coupling has been created in this manner in Bose-Einstein condensates [2,7–14] and degen.
Spin-Injection Spectroscopy of a Spin-Orbit Coupled.
We demonstrate all-optical implementation of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in a two-electron Fermi gas of Yb 173 atoms by coupling two hyperfine ground states with a narrow optical transition. Due to the SU (N) symmetry of the S 0 1 ground-state manifold which is insensitive to external magnetic fields, an optical ac Stark effect is applied to split the ground spin states, which exhibits a high. Here we create and detect spin-orbit coupling in an atomic Fermi gas, a highly controllable form of quantum degenerate matter. We reveal the spin-orbit gap via spin-injection spectroscopy, which.
Collective dipole oscillations of a spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas.
The collective-mode excitation energy of a population-imbalanced spin-orbit-coupled atomic Fermi gas loaded in a two-dimensional optical lattice at zero temperature is calculated within the Gaussian approximation, and from the Bethe-Salpeter equation in the generalized random-phase approximation assuming the existence of a Sarma superfluid state. It is found that the Gaussian approximation.
Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling in Cold Atoms.
Recent experimental breakthrough in realizing spin-orbit (SO) coupling for cold atoms has spurred considerable interest in the physics of 2D SO coupled Fermi superfluids, especially topological Majorana fermions (MFs) which were predicted to exist at zero temperature. However, it is well known that long-range superfluid order is destroyed in 2D by the phase fluctuation at finite temperature. In this paper, we investigate the phase diagram of the interacting Fermi gas with Rashba-type SOC on a square optical lattice. Such a system can be described by the spin–orbit (SO) coupled fermionic Hubbard model, see equation. We show that the SOC has important implications on the properties of MIT and phase diagram of this system..
Spin dynamics in a spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas | Joint Quantum Institute.
Reflections of the fermions from the trap boundaries provide a physical mechanism for effective momentum relaxation and nontrivial spin dynamics due to the emergent spin-orbit coupling. We explicitly consider evolution of an initially spin-polarized Fermi gas in a two-dimensional harmonic trap and derive nonequilibrium behavior of the spin.
(PDF) Radio-frequency spectroscopy of weakly bound molecules in.
The coupling of the spin of electrons to their motional state lies at the heart of topological phases of matter. We have created and detected spin-orbit coupling in an atomic Fermi gas via spin-injection spectroscopy, which characterizes the energy-momentum dispersion and spin composition of the quantum states. For energies within the spin-orbit gap, the system acts as a spin diode. To fully.
[1411.3043] Fermi Gases with Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling.
PDF - We investigate Rashba spin-orbit coupled Fermi gases in square optical lattice by using the determinant quantum Monte Carlo (DQMC) simulations which is free of the sign-problem. We show that the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thoules phase transition temperature is firstly enhanced and then suppressed by spin-orbit coupling in the strong attraction region.
Spin-orbit Coupled Fermi Gases and Heavy Solitons in... - NASA/ADS.
Zero-temperature mean-field chemical potential of a spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas on the BCS side (1 / k F a s = − 1) and in the unitary limit (1 / k F a s = 0), calculated following the approach in Ref.. Here, we take a spin-orbit coupling strength λ k F / E F = 1, where k F and E F are the Fermi wave vector and Fermi energy, respectively. We investigate the thermodynamic properties of a superfluid Fermi gas subject to Rashba spin-orbit coupling and effective Zeeman field. We adopt a T-matrix scheme that takes beyond-mean-field.
Spin-orbit-coupled two-electron Fermi gases of ytterbium atoms.
Number, the spin degeneracy is huge. Thus, no matter how weak the spin-orbit coupling is, there are a large number of excitations lying below the spin-orbit scale that will be strongly a ected. In this paper, we demonstrate the dramatic e ect of the SOC on a strongly repulsive 1D spin-1/2 Fermi gas in a harmonic trap. We shall consider the type. Dimers both for a three-dimensional (3D) uniform Fermi gas [13-15] and in the 2D case [14-16].... spin-orbit coupling induces change in polarization (the.
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